Jun LONG(龙军), MD ,MPH  
Jun LONG(龙军), MD ,MPH
Senior Technologist, of Division of Laboratory Medicine, Zhujiang Hospital, Southern Medical University
Email: longjun327@163.com


Human microbiome, laboratory medicine 

Research interests:

1.Dengue Antigen Epitope screening of new technologies and their application in the epidemic of research

2.Study on HCV Method Based on SPR Technique and Rolling Loop Amplification System for Detection of Very Low Concentrations

3.R&D and Industrialization of In-situ Expression Protein Chips of Multiple Insect Disease

Professional recognition:

1.Completion of two provincial scientific research projects and one regional scientific research project

2.Certificate of Fungi Diversity Training Center of the China-Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences

3.Receiver of the Nanyue Outstanding Graduate Student and Academician Scholarship

Selected Publications :

1.Xu H, Gu D, He J, Shi L, Yao J, Liu C, Zhao C, Xu Y, Jiang S and Long J. 2015. Multiplex biomarker analysis biosensor for detection of hepatitis B virus. Biomedical Materials and Engineering 26:S2091-100

2.Long J, Liu F, Jiang L, et al. Analysis of the homology of extended-spectrum β-lactamase-producing Escherichia coli in urinary tract infections [J]. The Journal of Practical Medicine (in Chinese), 2013, 29 (11): 1847-1849

3.Fang Y, Zhang Y, Long J et al. Homology analysis on multiple drug resistance Acinetobacter baumannii. The Journal of Practical Medicine (in Chinese), 2013, 29(20):3409-3411.

4.Long J, Zhang Y, Jiang L, et al. Clinical analysis of pulmonary fungal infections in 2008-2012 [J]. Chinese Journal of Nosocomiology (in Chinese), 2014, 24 (13): 3240-3242

5.Jiang Changhong, Long Jun, Huaxia. Application of matrix-assisted laser desorption / ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry in the identification of pathogenic fungi of invasive fungal infection [J]. The Journal of Practical Medicine (in Chinese), 2015 (17): 2902-2904

6.Jiang Z, Zhu T, Tan X, Long J. Research progress in airway microbiome and respiration diseases [J]. Modern Preventive Medicine (in Chinese), 2017, 44 (22)

7.Zhu T, Yuan Y, Long J. Diagnostic value of combined detection of inflammatory indicators in bloodstream infection with different pathogenic bacteria [J]. Chinese Journal of Infection Control (in Chinese), 2017, 16 (5): 444-448

8.Zhu Tianchuan,He Jian'an,Chen Wanshan and Long J. Development of peptide-based chemiluminescence enzyme immunoassay (CLEIA) for diagnosis of dengue virus infection in human.[J] .Anal. Biochem., 2018, 556: 112-118.