Microbiome and aging related diseases



Gut microbiome has been implicated in many aging related diseases, including metabolic diseases, stroke, cognitive impairment and etc. Understanding how gut microbiome, especially which bacteria, is functioning in those diseases is utterly important to guide therapeutic innovations. MMC has made a series of progresses in this area, including the role of gut microbiome in metabolic diseases, type 2 diabetes, stroke, liver fibrosis.

Publication list:

1. Y. He#, W. Wu#, H.-M. Zheng#, P. Li#, D. McDonald, H.-F. Sheng, M.-X. Chen, Z.-H. Chen, G.-Y. Ji, Z.-D.-X. Zheng, P. Mujagond, X.-J. Chen, Z.-H. Rong, P. Chen, L.-Y. Lyu, X. Wang, C.-B. Wu, N. Yu, Y.-J. Xu, J. Yin, J. Raes, R. Knight, W.-J. Ma*, and H.-W. Zhou*, Regional variation limits applications of healthy gut microbiome reference ranges and disease models. Nature Medicine, 2018. 24(10): 1532-1535.

2. Y. He#, W. Wu#, S. Wu#, H.M. Zheng#, P. Li#, H.F. Sheng, M.X. Chen, Z.H. Chen, G.Y. Ji, Z.D. Zheng, P. Mujagond, X.J. Chen, Z.H. Rong, P. Chen, L.Y. Lyu, X. Wang, J.B. Xu, C.B. Wu, N. Yu, Y.J. Xu, J. Yin, J. Raes, W.J. Ma*, and H.W. Zhou*, Linking gut microbiota, metabolic syndrome and economic status based on a population-level analysis. Microbiome, 2018. 6(1): 172.

3.  R.-T. Xu#, C.-H. Tan#, J.-J Zhu#, X.-L. Zeng, X.-X. Gao, Q.-H. Wu, Q. Chen, H.-D. Wang, H.-W. Zhou, Y. He*, S.-Y. Pan*, and J. Yin*, Dysbiosis of the intestinal microbiota in neurocritically ill patients and the risk for death. Critical Care, 2019. (Accepted)

4.  XL. Zeng#, XX. Gao#, Y. Peng, QH. Wu, JJ. Zhu, CH. Tan, GH. Xia, C. You, RT. Xu, SY. Pan, HW. Zhou, Y. He* and J. Yin*, Higher risk of Stroke is Correlated with Increased Opportunistic Pathogen Load and Reduced Levels of Butyrate-Producing Bacteria in the Gut. Front. Cell. Infect. Microbiol. 2019, 9: 4.

5.  Jia Yin, Shuo-Xi Liao, Yan He, Shan Wang, Geng-Hong Xia, Fei-Tong Liu, Jia-Jia Zhu, Chao You, Qiong Chen, Liang Zhou, Su-Yue Pan, Hong-Wei Zhou * ,  Dysbiosis of gut microbiotawith reduced trimethylamine-N-oxide level in patients with large-arteryatherosclerotic stoke or transient ischemic attack, J ournal of the American Heart Association, 2015.11.01, 4(11)

6.  Fei-Tong Liu, M Prabhakar, Jian-Qing Ju, Hao-Yu Long, Hong-Wei Zhou*, Effect of inulin-type fructans on blood lipid profile and glucose level: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials, European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2017(71):9-20 

7.  Kai-Yu Xu, Geng-Hong Xia, Jun-Qi Lu, Mu-Xuan Chen, Xin Zhen, Shan Wang, Chao You, Jing Nie, Hong-Wei Zhou*, Jia Yin*,Impaired renal function and dysbiosis of gut microbiota contribute to increased trimethylamine-N-oxide in chronic kidney disease patients.Scientific Reports,2017 7: 1445